Wednesday, 18 April 2012

neon trending

neon satchel by werelse for mango touch

i have decided to start a new fresh blog to document my now 'developing' and 'adult' life. 
i use those terms loosely, but now being 23 yrs old i feel i am getting older and can no longer lead the life of an over grown child ;)

there are many exiting things going on in my life at the moment and what better way to express my feelings and thoughts than in a creative outlet - blog.
enough about me, let me get started on my first post.

recently i've been blown away by the amount of neon and day glow colours that are trending in the fashion world.
i absolutely love the bright and cheerfulness of these shades and think they add a fab pop of colour to a/w outfits which can otherwise be quite dull and dreary.

the collection that really caught my eye and that i have been drooling over is the new werelse collection for mango touch.
in a word - AHMAZING!!
there are 3 main parts to the collection - the neon yellow, the black buckle and the silver shiny.
my personal favourite is the neon collection.

if only there was an easy way to get my hands on these decadent pieces in south africa...

anyways, enough drooling for today.
hope you enjoy my blog and please feel free to leave comments - i really enjoy receiving feedback.

* inhale  luv .  exhale  hate *

black buckle wedges, black buckle bracelet and black clutch with buckle
wrist strap - all by werelse for mango touch

neon wedges

silver slipper/loafers, silver shopper and silver laptop cover - all by
werelse for mango touch

close up of the stunning clutch with wrist strap - such a nifty idea

the ABSOLUTELY AHMAZING black leather court with perspex neon
stack heel by werelse for mango touch

 how fabulous do the heels and satchel look together?!

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